Petra Schulz gives an interview on the topic of mother tongue and multilingualism at HR

Petra Schulz gave an interview about mother tongue and multilingualism on the occasion of World Mother Tongue Day at HR:

Melanie Hobich gives a street interview at nextx on the topic of studying linguistics

Melanie Hobich gave a street interview on the Tiktok/Youtube channel nextx about studying linguistics:

Petra Schulz and Helmut Weiß discuss the youth word of the year at the 75th Frankfurt Book Fair

On October 22nd, Helmut Weiß and Petra Schulz discussed the topic of youth language as language experts at the Frankfurt Book Fair on the occasion of the choice of the word “goofy” as the youth word of the year.–jugendliche-waehlen–goofy–zum-jugendwort-des-jahres-33935292.html

Lecture by Cornelia Ebert and Markus Steinbach on sign language at the 20th Frankfurt Children’s University

On October 6th, Cornelia Ebert and Markus Steinbach gave lectures on sign language for the 3rd and 4th grades of the Lindenfeld School.ät_2023

Interview at hr-iNFO Kultur with Helmut Weiß (June 07, 2023): Arzt, Maurer, Lehrer: Der Streit um das generische Maskulinum

Interview in Münchner Merkur No. 118 with Ewa Trutkowski and Helmut Weiß (May 24, 2023): “Gendern wird nur als Relikt bleiben”

Article in SZ about the paper by Weiß and Trutkowski on the generic masculine in Old High German (April 21, 2023)


Article in DER SPIEGEL about the paper by Weiß and Trutkowski on the generic masculine in Old High German (April 15, 2023)


Article in FAZ.NET about the paper by Weiß and Trutkowski on the generic masculine in Old High German (March 30, 2023)


Press release at the Goethe University about the article by Weiß and Trutkowski on the generic masculine in Old High German (March 30, 2023)

The Goethe University issued a press release on the article by Weiß & Trutkowski:

Article about Kathryn Barnes’s research on ideophones in the Süddeutsche Zeitung (March 01, 2023)

In the category “Streiflicht” the Süddeutsche Zeitung mentions the research by Kathryn Barnes on ideophones:

Article about Kathryn Barnes’s research on ideophones in the FAZ (March 01, 2023)

An article about the research by Kathryn Barnes on ideophones has been published in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung under the heading “Rhein-Main”:

Interview with Kathryn Barnes on her research on ideophones at HR2 (February 22, 2023)

Kathryn Barnes gave an interview on HR2’s afternoon program about her research on ideophones:,epg-am-nachmittag-1664.html,audio-78530.html

Report about Kathryn Barnes’s research about ideophones (February 02, 2023)

The “Aktuelles” section on the Goethe University website reports on the research of our colleague Kathryn Barnes on the semantics and pragmatics of ideophones:

Report about the ViCom in the current issue of “Forschung Frankfurt” (May 05, 2022)

In the current issue of the science magazine of the Goethe University “Forschung Frankfurt”, an interesting article was published about visual communication and gesture research. The paper is referring to the current DFG funded research project “Visual Communication“ led  by Prof. Dr. Cornelia Ebert (Goethe-Universität) and Prof. Dr. Markus Steinbach (Universität Göttingen)(starting at p.45):

Link to the website of the project “Visual Communication“:

Interview with Helmut Weiß on Sat1 (Mai 02, 2022)

Prof. Helmut Weiß was interviewed by Sat1 about the German words “Neger” und “Mohr”. The interview was broadcast on May 02, 2022on Sat1.
Link to the Interview

Study by Ewa Trutkowski and Helmut Weiß mentioned in “Welt” (March 07, 2022)

Ewa Trutkowski & Helmut Weiß:
Seit 1000 Jahren können Frauen auch Sünder, Richter und Freunde sein.
Welt online

The commentary mentions a study by Trutkowski & Weiß about the history of the generic masculine in German, which investigates the actual historical language use for the first time. The result of the study is that the gender neutral use of masculine forms is not new in German but has been used already in Old High German.