We are happy to announce a talk by Kristina Liefke  (Goethe Universität) next Thursday at the Semantics Colloquium. Please find an abstract below.

Title: Single-Type Semantics and Depiction Reports (joint work with Markus Werning, Bochum)
Room: IG 4.301
Date: December 12th
Time: 4pm – 6pm

In this talk, we show that single-type semantics (see Liefke and Werning, 2018) provides a compositional semantics for physical and mental depiction reports (e.g. ‚Paul is painting a penguin‘, ‚Uli is imagining a unicorn‘) that improves upon Montague-style semantics (see Moltmann, 1997) and property-based semantics for such reports (see Zimmermann, 2016; cf. Zimmermann, 1993). In particular, single-type semantics accounts for missing de dicto-readings of depiction reports with a strong quantificational object DP, blocks unwarranted inferences to a common objective, and captures the semantic interaction of DPs and CPs in depiction complements. The semantics also makes a number of plausible predictions about the role of context in the interpretation of depiction complements and the subjectivity of depicted contents.